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Language Science Center

Title: "Translating basic science to clinical improvements in cochlear implants"


Title: "An investigation of aging and speech recognition performance under difficult working memory conditions"


Title: "Who is she? Reference, depth of processing, and the N400" 

Applications for the Summer 2019 Field School are now open.


Deadline March 11th 2019.

Title: Your ears deceive you: How categories (mis)shape perception, impede L2 learning, and what we can do about it

The house party location is 2 miles away from campus.  We call for volunteers for carpooling on the 22nd, and if you need a ride, please let the Winter Storm Committee know!  Dinner is provided, and please bring something to drink. 


Workshop on outreach strategies led by the LSC outreach committee.


Theme 2: Flexible Speech Recognition

Follow-Up A: How do we do the science?

The Follow-up sessions are designed to build productively upon the ideas generated in the roundtable discussions, while simultaneously exercising skills in thinking about scientific ideas at two different levels:

Join us for the sixth faculty lunch talk at Winter Storm 2016. Lunch will be provided by Chris Heffner.

Speaker: Lucas Butler (HDQM)

Participants share specific skills with one another.  Content is based on skills requested by participants on the Winter Storm registration form.   



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