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Language Science Center

Informal skills exchange session: R. 

Please come with your R questions, and people experienced with the software will be available to answer. This session is not meant to be a lecture on how to use the software.

Summary of Theme 2: Prediction and Millisecond-scale Information Management.

Join us for the fourth faculty lunch talk at Winter Storm 2016. Lunch will be provided by Lara Ehrenhofer.

Speaker: Bob Slevc

Title: Production and parsing of "real life" (errorful & implausible) syntax

Theme 2: Prediction and Millisecond-scale Information Management

Follow-Up B: Why do these ideas matter

The Follow-up sessions are designed to build productively upon the ideas generated in the roundtable discussions, while simultaneously exercising skills in thinking about scientific ideas at two different levels:

Navigating the gray areas: a discussion of ethical dilemmas in language science

Theme 1: Prediction and Millisecond-scale Information Management

Follow-Up A: How we do the science

The Follow-up sessions are designed to build productively upon the ideas generated in the roundtable discussions, while simultaneously exercising skills in thinking about scientific ideas at two different levels:

Theme 2: Prediction and Millisecond-scale Information Management


Join us for the third faculty lunch talk at Winter Storm 2016. Lunch will be provided by Basak Karatas.

Speaker: Philip Resnik

Title: It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It: Modeling Linguistic Framing in Politics and Mental Health

Learning to code: computer programming for beginners. Amritha Mallikarjun will lead the group through some of the basics of programming in Python that can be used in scientific experimentation and analysis. 

Join us for the second faculty lunch talk at Winter Storm 2016. Lunch will be provided by Nick Huang.

Speaker: Thomas Conners & Claudia Brugman

Title: Comparative study of register specific properties of Indonesian SMS and Twitter: implications for NLP


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