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Language Science Center

You’ll find it all at the University of Maryland’s one-day open house featuring family-friendly and interactive events. Come explore our world of Fearless Ideas and see all that we do to the best for our community, the state and the world.

Maryland Day is packed with exciting events and exhibits in six “learning neighborhoods” spread across campus. The Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, and Language Science communities will be hosting several exhibits.

Title: Understanding and Enhancing the Brain Basis of Aphasia Recovery

HESP's Speech-Language Pathology M.A. students will showcase their thesis research.


Title: Effects of aging on the perception of words embedded in sentences in simulated cochlear-implant users

Abstract: TBA


This event will showcase the capstone research projects of audiology students in HESP. 


Title: Effects of aging on the perception of words embedded in sentences in simulated cochlear-implant users

Abstract: TBA


Title: Examples of translational research from a community-based aphasia center


Title: TBA

Abstract: TBA


Title: "Older listeners process envelope modulations less effectively than younger listeners for understanding of cochlear-implant simulated speech"



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