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Language Science Center

Summary of Theme 1: Language Poverty and Learner Differences.

Theme 1: Language Poverty and Learner Differences

Follow-Up B: Why do these ideas matter

The Follow-up sessions are designed to build productively upon the ideas generated in the roundtable discussions, while simultaneously exercising skills in thinking about scientific ideas at two different levels:

Preparing for diverse careers: how to market your skills and experience for jobs beyond the university

  • Scott Fults: Expert System
  • Kate Anne Juhl: Program Director, UMD Career Center

Theme 1: Language Poverty and Learner Differences

Follow-Up A: How we do the science

The Follow-up sessions are designed to build productively upon the ideas generated in the roundtable discussions, while simultaneously exercising skills in thinking about scientific ideas at two different levels:

Theme 1: Language Poverty and Learner Differences


Join us for the first faculty lunch talk at Winter Storm 2016. Lunch will be provided by Zoe Schlueter & Alix Kowalski.

Speaker: Rochelle Newman

Title: Language and Concussion

Native Speaker Competence: Evidence from Internationally Adopted Children

***Note that due to the likely Friday snow, Thursday 1/21 is now the LAST day of Winter Storm. Watch this page and email updates for tomorrow's schedule.***

**What's happening at Winter Storm today, 1/21**

Photos from Language Science Day 2015.

Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.


The role of accent in the processing of spoken Mandarin


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