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Language Science Center

Summary of Theme 3: Building Meanings in Computation and Cognition


A professional development session focusing of science policy.


Theme 2: Prediction and Millisecond-scale Information Management

Follow-Up B: Why do these ideas matter?

The Follow-up sessions are designed to build productively upon the ideas generated in the roundtable discussions, while simultaneously exercising skills in thinking about scientific ideas at two different levels:


Theme 2: Prediction and Millisecond-scale Information Management

Follow-Up B: Why do these ideas matter

The Follow-up sessions are designed to build productively upon the ideas generated in the roundtable discussions, while simultaneously exercising skills in thinking about scientific ideas at two different levels:

Theme 4: Flexible Speech Recognition


Theme 3: Building Meanings in Computation and Cognition


Jeff Lidz (LING)
Alexander Williams (LING/PHIL)
Philip Resnik (LING/UMIACS)

Pulling the Strings: understanding the landscape of science policy 

My dog ate my data! Best practices for data organization and version control.


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