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Language Science Center

The 9th annual Winter Storm will be a great opportunity to meet, collaborate with, and learn from fellow language scientists. The workshop will feature sessions on career development, outreach and research communication, and technical skills, as well as faculty talks, interdisciplinary research group discussions, and social activities. The last day (January 20) will be a special Day of Action, devoted to crafting matterials to influence policymakers at all levels, and inform the general public. 

The Art of Language Invention:Creating languages for Game of Thrones, Thor: The Dark World, & more 

On September 30th, over 150 faculty, researchers, graduate students, and undergraduates from 17 departments and centers across campus gathered for the 7th annual Language Science Day (LSD). LSD is a great opportunity at the beginning of the academic year for language scientists to meet or reconnect and catch up on what’s happening in the community. This year the event focused specifically on creating and strengthening interdisciplinary research collaborations here at UMD.

Language Science Center becomes home to a new global network of experts in language science.


Language Science Day 2016 was a huge success, bringing together over 100 UMD language scientists.  The event focused on strengthening interdisciplinary collaboration within our community and identifying opportunities to develop team-based research initiatives.  Check out the LSD 2016 photo album or read more about event activities below.   

Summer language science talks by CASL research mentors.

Summer language science talks by CASL research mentors.

Summer language science talks by CASL research mentors.


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