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Language Science Center

Learning to ask good clarification questions

Tyler Knowlton (LING)

Title: Specifying Quantifier Meanings

Title: Precursors of logical reasoning in preverbal infants

Title: Duolingo: Improving Language Learning and Assessment with Data

Come celebrate the holidays with your fellow language scientists, and help the Learning to Talk Lab gift-wrap books for kindergarten and first grade students in Baltimore City Public Schools!

If you haven't already contributed to their book drive, check out their Amazon Wishlist and send some books by Monday, December 11!

Please RSVP!


All of us use the internet to look up researchers and their work. Have you considered what people will see when they run a search for you and your work? In this workshop, we discuss ways how students can build a better online presence and how you can get started. We discuss personal websites, social media, and professional networking websites like Academia.edu and ResearchGate. Food will be served.

The Language Science center is pleased to co-host a happy hour with the Brain and Behavior Initiative (BBI), which will include a tour of the LSC and a BBI FY18 Seed Grant information session. 

Please RSVP here by November 15. 

An informal gathering for current and future Language Science Fellows to catch up and talk about research and training opportunities available in the language science community. 


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