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Language Science Center

Language scientists, your research matters! Our community's output touches on many areas of policy, including health care, education, and technology. Join us to discuss how the UMD language science community can work together to impact policy objectives locally, with a view to establishing a network of expertise for policy makers and the public to consult. 

Lunch will be served, so please email Lara Ehrenhofer (ehrenhof@umd.edu) to RSVP by 3pm on Wednesday (10/11). 

Title: Language and Policy: Bringing Language Science & Analytics into Public Policy

National Center on Improving Literacy: A Collaborative Effort to Support Outcomes for Students with Literacy-Related Disabilities

How do hot and cool executive skills contribute to the development of reading comprehension in skilled and less skilled comprehenders across the lifespan?

Doug & Lynn Fuchs, PhDs

Is there a role for cognitive processes in interventions for at risk students with and without learning disabilities?

Doug & Lynn Fuchs, PhDs


Nouns and Verbs in Prediction: Evidence from ERPs


Title: What’s wrong with the genitive case across L1 and L2 Turkish?

Sorting out possibilities and necessities


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