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Trustworthy Information Retrieval

Abstract: Access to reliable information is essential. How do we ensure that the technology that we use to connect people to information is itself trustworthy? In the talk I decompose this question intrinsic aspects, having to do with transparency of information retrieval methods, and extrinsic aspects, having to do with robustness of information retrieval methods. The talk will be example-based in an attempt to make two key dimensions (transparency and robustness) as tangible as possible.

A half-day event celebrating the launch of the Brain and Behavior Institute, featuring lightning talks from 2019 and 2020 BBI seed grant recipients (including several language scientists), and a seminar by keynote speaker Dr. Nenad Sestan. See the full schedule here, and RSVP here.


Online regularities and prior knowledge conspire to shape speech perception


Human Subject Research


(Note that the time differs from regular colloquium time)

Towards Explainable Retrieval Models for Professional Search Tasks


Capturing and explaining individual differences in language processing: Triumphs and Challenges


Coarticulation, compensation, and language change


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