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Language Science At Planet Word

Register HERE, preferably by September 24.

All grad students are invited to come discuss plans for the coming year. Topics will include: student-led activities (outreach, writing groups, ...?); plans for formalizing student membership in the LSC and establishing an elected Graduate Student Board; Language Science Day; Winter Storm 2022. 1st and 2nd year students who are now on campus for the first time are especially encouraged to attend!

Come to the LSC on Tuesday mornings to enjoy coffee and pastries, and reconnect with colleagues you haven't seen in person for a year!

Join us for a quick social break! We particularly encourage those who are new to UMD to come meet language scientists from different departments. This week we'll have two (optional) special interest rooms: SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING, and MEANING IN CONTEXT.

Contact Julianne Garbarino (jgarbari@umd.edu) for access to the Zoom meeting and google doc.


**Note later than usual start time (to accommodate those attending the job talk in HDQM). Lunch served by 12:30.

Student meeting to discuss plans for the semester, including outreach activities, professional development workshops, and continued discussions on the future of graduate training at the LSC (e.g. the Student Cooperative).


Thanks to everyone's generous donations, the Learning to Talk lab has a lot of books to gift-wrap for students in Baltimore City public schools! Join us at the LSC to wrap some books and enjoy hot cocoa. Please RSVP here!

Is your office/lab lonely in the summer? Join your fellow language scientists for pastries, coffee and company every Friday at 10am all summer! Feel free to bring your work with you and stay for a while.


This week, the Language Science Center is hosting ISSS' International Coffee Hour, which happens every Wednesday (usually in the Global Crossroads, the first floor atrium of HJP).


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