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All are cordially invited to a reception for Janet Werker at the Language Science Center. (Her talk is at 10:15am in 1103 Bioscience Research Building.) 

The LSC held our holiday and gift wrapping party this Friday, December 14th, 2018! We helped wrap books for Baltimore City public school students participating in the Toggle Talk project. Attendees enjoyed food and drinks and wrapped 540 books in total. 

Join us for lunch to celebrate Juan Uriagereka and the publication of Language, Syntax, and the Natural Sciences in his honor.

The Graduate Field Committee in Developmental Science (GFCDS) cordially invites you to join us for a reception and get-together to kick off the new academic year. This will be a great opportunity to meet new students and others in labs across campus and celebrate our thriving developmental science community. All members of the community on campus are welcome and encouraged to come! Please RSVP.

One of the goals of the LLRC is to build our student community through programming that provides networking opportunities, cross-department student research collaborations, and other academic engagement events. The LLRC is hosting a student event, open to all interested graduate students whose research relates to language and literacy development and instruction!

Please join us for an LLRC 

‘Meet and Greet’ 

Lunch will be provided!

Come celebrate the holidays with your fellow language scientists, and help the Learning to Talk Lab gift-wrap books for kindergarten and first grade students in Baltimore City Public Schools!

If you haven't already contributed to their book drive, check out their Amazon Wishlist and send some books by Monday, December 11!

Please RSVP!


The Language Science center is pleased to co-host a happy hour with the Brain and Behavior Initiative (BBI), which will include a tour of the LSC and a BBI FY18 Seed Grant information session. 

Please RSVP here by November 15. 

An informal gathering for current and future Language Science Fellows to catch up and talk about research and training opportunities available in the language science community. 

The Field Committee in Development Science is kicking off the new academic year with a reception and get-together for students and faculty interested in developmental science. Please RSVP to Luke Butler (lpbutler@umd.eduso we can get an approximate count of how many people will be attending. 


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