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Title: Neural Processing Of Sound In Bilinguals

Title: Feature gluttony and the syntax of hierarchy effects

Title: Infants' understanding of speech as a tool

Abstract: Infants seem to understand that others have internal states that underlie observable behaviour. What is their understanding about how these internal states can be updated? Specifically, do infants understand that speech can serve as a tool to update the internal states of others? I'll describe data suggesting they do, and that they also understand some constraints on the updating of internal states.

Please visit the Language and Literacy Research Center's website to view our speaker schedule for this Spring 2018 semester. 

For more information about this talk, visit our upcoming events page closer to the presentation date. 

Title: Precursors of logical reasoning in preverbal infants

The Prosody of Rutooro Adnominals

Title: Language and Policy: Bringing Language Science & Analytics into Public Policy

Title: Love and Happiness


(Joint work with Andrew Koontz-Garboden, University of Manchester)

Title: Linking brain signals with grammar using neuro-computational models


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