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In-person watch party in 1108B Marie Mount Hall.

You linguist! On vocatives and expressivity


Adam Liter leads the General Meeting with a presentation of work within his dissertation project, "Subjacency, the Empty Category Principle, and the nature of constraints on phrase movement."


How much rhythm in language is in short-time acoustics?


Dan Goodhue, Jeff Lidz, Yu’an Yang and Valentine Hacquard will present a project they have been developing on children's acquisition of clause types and speech acts, reporting some preliminary results of work they've done. Here's an overview of the topic.


Online regularities and prior knowledge conspire to shape speech perception

Nataliya Stepanova, Language Science Day 2019

Nataliya Stepanova -- a Math and CS double degree student and Linguistics minor, and an alum of LSC’s PULSAR undergraduate research program -- has become the University’s sixth (ever) recipient of a Marshall Scholarship. Pandemic permitting, she will be heading to Scotland in the Fall to earn a Master’s in Speech and Language Processing at the University of Edinburgh.


Honors thesis presentation:
Number attraction in pronoun production



Degreefulness is the result of functional inventory, not a parameter

(joint work with Margit Bowler, Emily Hanink and Andrew Koontz-Garboden, University of Manchester)


Precise meanings and loose concepts: Roles for underdetermination and imprecision in formal semantics


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