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Alex Krauska will defend her dissertation, "A world without words: A non-lexicalist framework for psycho- and neuro-linguistics," supervised by Ellen Lau, and a committee comprising Naomi, Bill, Bob Slevc and Dave Embick.

Jéssica Mendes will defend her dissertation, "Future reference 'without' future morphology," supervised by Valentine Hacquard and Paolo Santorio, with a committee also including Aron Hirsch and Fabrizio Cariani, as well as Yi Ting Huang as the Dean's Representative. 

Time subject to change.

Nika Jurov will defend her dissertation, "Modeling Adaptability Mechanisms of Speech Perception," co-chaired by co-advisors Naomi Feldman and Bill Idsardi, together with Ellen Lau, former postdoc Thomas Schatz, and Jonathan Simon from Electrical Engineering.

SMPL Concepts, Conjunctive Meanings

For this Linguistics General Meeting welcomes home our Emeritus comrade, Paul Pietroski, to tell us about his recent work on a proof theory for natural language semantics, abstracted below.


Four Observations About Dependency Formation, and a Proposal

In this talk, Leslie Li gives an informal and non-mathy introduction to speech transformers, and why they have been so popular in deep learning. Leslie will also talk about the training of transformers, and how they are used in speech recognition and self-supervised learning.

Controlling morphosyntactic competition through phonology

The new semester kicks off at the Mind Over Matter meeting with discussion of "Large scale single-neuron speech sound encoding across the depth of human cortex," a recent paper in Nature by Leonard, Gwilliams, Sellers, Chung, Xu, Mischler, Mesgarani, Welkenhuysen, Dutta and Chang.  


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