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Language Science Center

Join us for a quick social break! We particularly encourage those who are new to UMD to come meet language scientists from different departments. This week we'll have two (optional) special interest rooms: SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING, and MEANING IN CONTEXT.


Learn techniques for editing your own writing and strategies for providing useful feedback on others' writing. (Led by Shevaun Lewis.)


Zoom info:


Meeting ID: 920 5680 5144
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Published September 8, 2020

The world is changing, and we’re all trying to adapt to survive, even thrive, in the new normal. This is the first of three messages about how LSC aims to support a community that is pandemic-proof, anti-racist, and sustainable over the next 2 years or so. This one is about the pandemic.

Join us for a panel discussion with researchers who transitioned their lab-based research online over the summer.

Arynn Byrd (HESP) is using a web app to remotely administer a sentence-picture matching task with children. The goal of the study is to evaluate if there are differences in how children who speak different dialects use verb knowledge to disambiguate the sentence. Her web app displays pictures, plays audio, and gathers reaction times and accuracy using the child's tablet.

This semester we're taking a break from the usual Language Science Lunch Talks to reimagine what we can do with this weekly opportunity for interdisciplinary discussion. We want to create an environment where all members of our community feel comfortable expressing ideas, learning to communicate with people from different discpiplines, and maintaining relationships with peers from other departments. We recognize that the traditional academic talk format may not be the best way to achieve these goals.

Among the many UMD students graduating remotely this Spring, we congratulate several outstanding PULSAR students. Between them, they have completed a variety of majors, minors, research projects, outreach activities, and internships. And though we can't congratulate them in person, their presence has been felt and will be missed in PULSAR and in their many contributions to Language Science at UMD.

Join online via Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/473402920

Join us to share ideas on how we’re all adjusting to the new normal. This discussion will focus on experiences at virtual conferences, and strategies for virtual teaching and mentorship. It is primarily intended for graduate students, but all are welcome. Topics will include:

Last updated: 3/23/2020, 3pm

Given the latest guidelines from the university, the state of Maryland, and the CDC, it seems likely that we will be doing our language science from home for at least the next 2 months.

Last updated: 3/11/2020, 12pm

The LSC is following university and CDC guidelines to minimize the risk of COVID-19 to individuals and our broader community. This page has our most up to date guidelines and policies related to the use of LSC space, LSC-sponsored travel, and best practices for labs with human participants.


Julianne Garbarino (HESP): How do disfluencies relate to early grammatical errors?

Abstract: Children usually begin to stutter between ages 2.5 and 3.5-- a period when their expressive language includes many errors when compared to adult models. This talk will explore the relationship between grammatical errors in children's early language and the production of stuttering-like and non-stuttered disfluencies.



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