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Language Science Center

The 9th annual Language Science Day is scheduled for Friday, October 5, 2018.

Title: What Domestic Dogs Can Tell Us About Language Learning

The graduate Ombuds person, Mark Shayman, will enlighten us about the Ombuds Office, a resource on campus to help graduate students navigate and resolve professional conflicts. This session is for STUDENTS ONLY.

Food and ideas bring people together. Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.

The Maryland Language Science Center, and the LSC Director Colin Phillips, were spotlighted in Johns Hopkins' Imagine magazine (May/June 2018 Issue) in a piece titled, "Discover Linguistics."


In April 2018, over 40 students and faculty from UMD and other universities helped staff the Language Science for Everyone booth at the USA Science and Engineering Festival at the DC convention center. An estimated 2,000 people visited the booth over the course of the three-day event. 

Language Science Center faculty -  Philip Resnik (Linguistics, UMIACS), Marine Carpuat (Computer Science, UMIACS), and Hal Daume (Computer Science, UMIACS) - join Douglas Oard (iSchool) on a four-year $14.4M Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) grant.

Join us for our 9th annual Language Science Day! More details available on the event page

Please register by September 29. 


Prompting Rural Students' Use of Prior Knowledge and Experience

to Support Comprehension of Unfamiliar Content


Educational Psychology Colloquium

Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology

Courtney Hattan 


Are you interested in applying to the Language Science Fellows (LSF) program? Join us at the LSC for a brief overview of the program and information about the application process. Shevaun Lewis (coordinator of the LSF program and the NRT grant) and Colin Phillips (LSC Director and PI of the NRT grant) will be present to answer any questions. 


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