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Title: Inhibition of Medial Olivocochlear Neurons

Barbara Sarnecka, Associate Professor of Cognitive Sciences, UC Irvine

Title: Numbers and Language

Title: What Domestic Dogs Can Tell Us About Language Learning

The graduate Ombuds person, Mark Shayman, will enlighten us about the Ombuds Office, a resource on campus to help graduate students navigate and resolve professional conflicts. This session is for STUDENTS ONLY.

Food and ideas bring people together. Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.

Title: Policy and Regulatory Semantics for Compliance Assistance

1st Presentation, Andrea Azem: Dysphagia Treatment and the Culturally Competent Clinician

Abstract: Although the development and use of cultural competence has received increasingly greater emphasis in the field of speech pathology, this concept is often discussed in ways that do not apply to clinical practice for dysphagia. This presentation aims to explore how culture can impact elements during the assessment and treatment of dysphagia as well as to provide information and resources for clinicians.


Prompting Rural Students' Use of Prior Knowledge and Experience

to Support Comprehension of Unfamiliar Content


Educational Psychology Colloquium

Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology

Courtney Hattan 


The Computational Archaeology of Fictional Space


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