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Michael Wagner (Department of Linguistics, McGill)

Allophonic variation and the locality of production planning

Naeemul Hasan (Assistant Professor, Journalism & Information Sciences)

Towards Automated Fact Discovery and Ranking


Suraj Nair (CS and UMIACS)

Title: Understanding Cycling Trip Purpose and Route Choice Using GPS Traces and Open Data


Rick Lewis (Psychology/Linguistics, University of Michigan)

Boundedly Rational Language, Choice and Action, and the Prospects for Theoretical Cognitive Science in the Age of Deep Learning


Justin Wood (Psychology, University of Indiana)

Reverse Engineering the Origins of Intelligence


Diane Brentari (Linguistics, University of Chicago)

Limits and possibilities of modality’s effect on language: phonology through the lens of sign languages



Nausicaa Pouscoulous (Linguistics, University College London)

Title and abstract TBA


Anna Papafragou (Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania)

Events in Language and Cognition


Alejandro Lleras (Psychology, University of Illinois)

Parallel Peripheral Processing in Visual Search

Double header! Lunch served at 12:15. 

Michelle Erskine (HESP)

Dialect mismatch influences language comprehension in young children


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