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Toward an End-to-end Neural Generative Dialogue System


Ben Carterette (Department of Computer & Information Sciences, Delaware; Spotify)

Offline Evaluation of Personalization Using Logged Data


Lisa Feigenson (Psychological & Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins University)

Constraints and Flexibility in Early Quantification

Abstract TBA.

Lunch served at 12:30.


Roberta Golinkoff (School of Education, University of Delaware)

Living in Pasteur’s Quadrant: Navigating the Uncharted Waters between Basic and Applied Research

The seminar provides students with opportunities to discuss central issues in the study of child and adolescent development with leaders in the field. Presenters spend the day meeting with faculty and students in both formal and informal settings.

Lunch served at 12:30.


Adam Winsler (Psychology, George Mason University)

Immigrant Advantage and Paradox and the Role of Bilingualism in Elementary School: Results from the Miami School Readiness Project

The seminar provides students with opportunities to discuss central issues in the study of child and adolescent development with leaders in the field. Presenters spend the day meeting with faculty and students in both formal and informal settings.

Lunch served at 12:30.


Nur Karatas (SLA)

Case-Marking Processing in Native and Nonnative Speakers of Turkish

Abstract: In this talk, I'll be presenting the behavioral and neural data of my dissertation study, which was about both word-level and sentence-level case processing by native speakers and advanced L2 learners of Turkish. 

Lunch served at 12:15.


Zoe Ovans (NACS)

The (Un)surprising Kindergarten Path


Shenika Hankerson (Assistant Professor, TLPL)

African American Language Explained: (Almost) Everything You Need to Know About Its History, Structure, and Evolution


Annie Li (HDQM) 

Self-Teaching in Orthographic Learning among Learners of English as a Second Language


Adam Liter (LING)

Medial wh productions in child English: Grammar or performance?


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