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Human Development and Quantitative Methodology


Human Subject Research during COVID

Joint colloquium hosted by Educational Psychology and Developmental Science.

The Empirical Child? A Framework for Investigating How Children Learn to Engage in the Scientific Process


Peter Steiner (HDQM)

Ways out of the replication crisis


Prompting Rural Students' Use of Prior Knowledge and Experience

to Support Comprehension of Unfamiliar Content


Educational Psychology Colloquium

Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology

Courtney Hattan 


12:20pm - lunch served
12:45pm - talk
1:30pm - Q&A

Title: The Road Less Travelled: Non-Academic Careers

Abstract: TBD 

Bio: Jenessa Malin is an SRCD Policy Fellow at Administration for Children and Families. 



How children reason about evidence in a social world

12:20pm - lunch served
12:45pm - talk
1:30pm - Q&A

Title: Bridging Between Child Development Research and Policy: The Role of the Society for Research in Child Development

Abstract: TBD

Reconceptualizing Adolescent Literacy in the Age of Information Saturation, Multitasking, and "Fake News"


National Center on Improving Literacy: A Collaborative Effort to Support Outcomes for Students with Literacy-Related Disabilities


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