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Zoom link: https://umd.zoom.us/j/98806584197?pwd=SXBWOHE1cU9adFFKUmN2UVlwUEJXdz09
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More Civility and Positivity: Language Understanding in Social Context


Literacy is everywhere: Identifying opportunities to support children’s language and literacy within everyday routines

Zoom: https://go.umd.edu/lslt-zoom

Spectral contrasts produced by children with cochlear implants: Investigating the impact of signal degradation on speech acquisition

Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/98806584197?pwd=SXBWOHE1cU9adFFKUmN2UVlwUEJXdz09

Eleftheria Briakou on Tracking progress in Style Transfer: From Human to Automatic Evaluation


Prediction during language processing: Beyond activation

Abstract: Prediction during language processing has been extensively studied over the past decades, however, the specific mechanisms involved are under ongoing debate. In this talk I will focus on a suggested distinction between two qualitatively distinct prediction processes, pre-activation and pre-updating, presenting experiments aimed to examine key aspects of these processes.



How a dialect-shifting curriculum shapes K-1 teachers’ attitudes toward language variation: A mixed-methods study


Identifying a code-switch: exploring methods for studying the use of prosodic and phonetic cues


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