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Language Science Center

The Language Science Graduate Student Board is hosting a discussion about Winter Storm 2023. Winter Storm is a great opportunity to learn with and from your peers across the language science community. Are there research questions you want to develop with people from other fields? Are there research skills you need to make progress in your work, or professional skills to take the next step in your career? Bring your ideas and we'll figure out how to make them happen!


Fuzzy L1 Lexical Representations After L2 Immersion:  Exploring the InterNetwork of the Ontogenesis Model

Lunch will be served starting at 12:15. (Vegan options availalble, but GF options could be a bit odd... like a lettuce wrap. Let us know if you have other dietary restrictions!)

The Effect of Bilingual Code-switching on Attention and Memory

Lunch will be served starting at 12:15. (Vegan options availalble, but GF options could be a bit odd... like a lettuce wrap. Let us know if you have other dietary restrictions!)

Sources of Bias in Psycholinguistic Data


Hot Takes on Modern Language Models


The Creation of Fictional Languages

The 12th annual Language Science Day is scheduled for Friday, October 28, 2022.

Language Science Day (LSD) is a signature annual event for Maryland's language science community, bringing together up to 200 students and faculty from across the university and affiliated centers. Participants get to know their fellow language scientists, exchange ideas, showcase their research, and discover opportunities for training or collaboration.

The Language Science Center awarded two undergraduate research fellowships in summer 2022. These fellowships are funded in part from the generous contributions of donors on Giving Day.


Meg Cychosz (HESP) will give an overview of the process of applying for academic jobs (applications, interviews, job talks, negotiations), and answer all your burning questions!

Lunch will be served starting at 12:15. (Vegan options availalble, but GF options could be a bit odd... like a lettuce wrap.)


Planet Cloze: The expanding universe of lexical prediction models

Rosa Lee (LING), Katherine Howitt (LING), London Dixon (LING), Tal Ness (HESP), Masato Nakamura (LING)


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