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Title: Neural correlates of auditory processing disorders in children

Title: Recent Advances in Hair Cell Regeneration


Title: Standardized short-term and working memory tests in acquired aphasia: A systematic review

Impairments of short-term and working memory, both verbal and non-verbal, are ubiquitou

Title: Monitoring and control of language production

Abstract: The talk focuses on the monitoring/control loop which regulates language production. I'll review the conflict-based monitoring account with evidence from individuals with aphasia, as well as children, and discuss recent findings from my lab on enforcement of post-monitoring control over language production.



Humans can describe observations and act upon requests. This requires that language be grounded in perception and motor control. I will present several components of my long-term research program to understand the vision-language-motor interface in the human brain and emulate such on computers.

Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.

Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.

Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.

Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.

Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.


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