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Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.

Join us for the sixth faculty lunch talk at Winter Storm 2016. Lunch will be provided by Chris Heffner.

Speaker: Lucas Butler (HDQM)

Pulling the Strings: understanding the landscape of science policy 

Join us for the fourth faculty lunch talk at Winter Storm 2016. Lunch will be provided by Lara Ehrenhofer.

Speaker: Bob Slevc

Title: Production and parsing of "real life" (errorful & implausible) syntax

Join us for the third faculty lunch talk at Winter Storm 2016. Lunch will be provided by Basak Karatas.

Speaker: Philip Resnik

Title: It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It: Modeling Linguistic Framing in Politics and Mental Health

Join us for the second faculty lunch talk at Winter Storm 2016. Lunch will be provided by Nick Huang.

Speaker: Thomas Conners & Claudia Brugman

Title: Comparative study of register specific properties of Indonesian SMS and Twitter: implications for NLP

Join us for the first faculty lunch talk at Winter Storm 2016. Lunch will be provided by Zoe Schlueter & Alix Kowalski.

Speaker: Rochelle Newman

Title: Language and Concussion

Native Speaker Competence: Evidence from Internationally Adopted Children

This lecture, open to the entire University community, celebrates Jeff's recognition as a Distinguished Scholar Teacher.

Title: Are Children Human? - Evidence from Language Acquisition


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