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Summer language science talks by CASL research mentors.

Summer language science talks by CASL research mentors.

Summer language science talks by CASL research mentors.

Summer language science talks by CASL research mentors.

Title: College Planning for Students with ASD

Linguistic Diversity, Sustainable Development and the Economics of Language Policy

Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.

Title: Learning in Typological Prediction: Grammatical Agent-Based Modeling

Joint work with Jennifer Culbertson, Coral Hughto and Robert Staubs

Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.

Title: Statistical learning in mind and brain


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