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Title: Learning to become a native listener of Japanese

Join us as faculty members Vessela Valiavitcharska and Michael Israel discuss their recent books:

Dr. Yasmeen Faroqi-Shah


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The Role of First Language Differences on Cognitive and Language Performance

by Dr. Faroqi-Shah


When: Feb 29, 2016 (Monday)

What time: 11:30am – 12:45pm

Where: EDU 2101 (Benjamin Building)


Title: Imaging the language network: functional neuroanatomy, acquired aphasia, and recovery

Title: Filling in the gaps in comparative psychosyntax

Visitors from Pearson Research and Innovation Network will be talking about the kind of work they do and, more generally, about non-academic research career paths for PhDs. 

Kathy McKnight, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Educator Learning & Effectiveness
Pearson Research and Innovation Network

Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.

The action of reading, understanding and combining words to create meaningful phrases comes naturally to most people.  Still, the processes that govern semantic composition in the human brain are not well understood.  In this talk, I will explore semantics (word meaning) and semantic composition (combining the meaning of multiple words) using two data sources: a large text corpus, and brain recordings of people reading adjective noun phrases.  Through the learning of latent representations, I will show that these two very different data sources are both consistent (they contain overlapping

Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.

Title: Your ears deceive you: How categories (mis)shape perception, impede L2 learning, and what we can do about it


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