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Machine Learning not Boolean Search: A Case Study in Public Health Informatics

Dialect mismatch and its implications for academic achievement

Measuring the effect of tinnitus on concentration

Salt, Water and the Developing Inner Ear: Unraveling a Common Genetic Cause of Childhood Hearing Loss

Extracting meaning from auditory signals: A look at how children process variation in language

This is the last in a series of three lectures by distinguished phonologist Paul Smolensky, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins University, generously supported by Dave Baggett.

Overview of the lectures

This is the second in a series of three lectures by distinguished phonologist Paul Smolensky, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins University, generously supported by Dave Baggett.

Overview of the lectures

This is the first in a series of three lectures by distinguished phonologist Paul Smolensky, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins University, generously supported by Dave Baggett.

Overview of the lectures

The Frequency Following Response: A Subcortical Marker of Speech Perception in Normal Hearing and Hearing Loss

Learning language from difficult listening situations: How children process poor-quality speech signals
Children learn language from hearing it around them, but much of the language they hear isn’t perfectly clear. Some children hear degraded speech signals through a cochlear implant; others may hear speech from speakers with unfamiliar accents. And nearly all children hear a great deal of their language input in the presence of background noise, including competing speech.


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