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Auditory Processing of Sequences and Song Syllables in Vocal Learning Birds


Towards Human-Centered AI: Understanding Human Production and Consumption of Explanations


Cortical Neuroplasticity and Re-organization in Hearing Loss: Effects of Treatment with Cochlear Implants and Hearing Aids


Noise in the Nursery: 3 Ways Noise Can Impact Your Child's Learning

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Guarding Against Spurious Correlations in Natural Language Understanding


Examining Racially Biased Language within a Large Corpus American Football Commentary


I can hear what you see

Movie image and title: "Coded Bias: There is no algorithm for truth"

You are cordially invited to a virtual screening and panel discussion of the film

Movie Viewing: Wednesday, 3/24 - Monday, 3/29
Virtual Panel Discussion: Friday, 3/26 at 4 p.m.

Register to receive the viewing link and the panel discussion link.



Neural Information Retrieval: In search of meaningful progress


The lessons and limits of predicting shooting victimization


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