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Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership

Doug & Lynn Fuchs, PhDs

Is there a role for cognitive processes in interventions for at risk students with and without learning disabilities?

Doug & Lynn Fuchs, PhDs


Family language policy: Where are we going and why?


Multilingual Research Center Brown Bag Speaker Series:

Community consultations in language policy: Not so representative after all

Native Speaker Competence: Evidence from Internationally Adopted Children

***Note that due to the likely Friday snow, Thursday 1/21 is now the LAST day of Winter Storm. Watch this page and email updates for tomorrow's schedule.***

**What's happening at Winter Storm today, 1/21**

Congratulations to Jeff MacSwan, who was recently named a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association!

Winter Storm is the Language Science Center's free, two-week intensive annual workshop for language scientists, taking place this year January 12-23. This year's theme is How to be a MODEL language scientist. Since communication is a key element in making a community like ours a success, the aim for this year's Winter Storm is to advance not only the professional development of our individual community members, but also the development and growth of the Language Science community as a whole. 

Steve Krashen

TLPL and the Multilingual Research Center present a talk by Stephen Krashen, “Compelling Comprehensible Input,” October 27, 2014, 2 - 4 pm, Stamp Student Union, Prince George's Room.


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