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Precise meanings and loose concepts: Roles for underdetermination and imprecision in formal semantics

Endless Possibilities: The Development of Possibility and Necessity in Cognition, Language, and Society
Invited speakers:


Meaning Through the Ages

Title: Event Semantics in Text Constructions, Vision, and Human-Robot Dialogue

Angela Xiaoxue He will present her dissertation defense on "Verb Learning Under Guidance: Syntax-to-Semantics Inferences."


Psycholinguistics Lab meeting. Fridays, 12:00 - 1:30. Linguistics Dept seminar room, 1108B Marie Mount Hall.

On October 10th we'll have a double-header featuring Kate Harrigan, discussing her work on how children learn and understand very-hard-to-observe words, such as "want", "think", and "hope". Then Ellen Lau will talk about some of her recent work on ERPs and predictive processes ("Events vs. Entities with ERPs").

All welcome.

Language Science Day 2014

LSD marked the 1-year anniversary of the Maryland Language Science Center, showcasing many ideas and initiatives launched over the past year.

Words and sentences have parts that combine in patterns, exhibiting the grammar of the language. Phonology is the study of patterns in sound or gesture. Syntax and Semantics involve studying patterns in sentence structure, from the vantages of form and meaning, respectively. The shared aim is a general theory of human grammars, one that allows us to understand speakers' ability to use language and the rapid development of language in every normal child. 

The University of Maryland has unparalleled resources for research on language.


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