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Speech Perception


Arthur Wingfield (Psychology, Brandeis University)

Stability in the Face of Change: Cognitive supports and cognitive constraints in speech comprehension by older adults with age-related hearing loss

Title: Listening with an aging brain

Title: The Perception of Probability


Title: "Understanding speech perception difficulties in complex listening environments: Individual contributions of age and hearing loss"

How do listeners use their two ears to better understand speech in noisy environments, or to locate the source of a sound in the space around them? How are these processes different for people with two cochlear implants rather than normal hearing? These are just some of the questions that occupy Matt Goupell, Assistant Professor in Hearing and Speech Sciences and director of the Auditory Perception and Modeling Lab.

Language Science Day 2014

LSD marked the 1-year anniversary of the Maryland Language Science Center, showcasing many ideas and initiatives launched over the past year.

Food and ideas bring people together.  Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.


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