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Cognitive Linguistics

What Even Is a Thought? How Compositional Semantics Can Inform Psychology

Title: A Comparative Biological Approach to Language Evolution: People are Animals Too

Title: Language Phenotyping in Young Children with Concussion

University of Maryland Photo

Language science is by nature multidisciplinary and our programs support students in actively crossing departmental and university boundaries. The language science initiative provides students with the flexibility to create individualized programs of study involving combinations of faculty mentors. The list of programs and specializations below is just a starting point, and our current students and faculty mentors are happy to answer questions about the programs and about particular areas of interest. 

Language Science Day 2014

LSD marked the 1-year anniversary of the Maryland Language Science Center, showcasing many ideas and initiatives launched over the past year.

Language scientists at the University of Maryland have access to world-class facilities.

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