Three ARHU Faculty Win Do Good Innovator Awards
Perla M. Guerrero, Peter Mallios and Shevaun Lewis are among 57 staff and faculty from across campus who received the award.
Language Science Center becomes home to a new global network of experts in language science.
With the paint barely dry in LSC’s new home in HJ Patterson Hall, Winter Storm 2017 showed what is possible when an engaged grassroots community is combined with a space that is designed for collaboration.
The Language Science Center hosted two conferences on transforming graduate education - both with collaborative, interactive formats that generated a lot of enthusiasm and ideas from the different groups involved.
Caitlin Eaves joined the Maryland Language Science Center on March 28th as Business Manager.
New research from Jeff Lidz (LING) and colleagues with Korean children shows that, even when children are fully immersed in a language, they acquire linguistic features that are missing from their environment.
HESP has partnered with the Jewish Social Services Agency to provide hearing aids to local holocaust survivors.
Jan Edwards (UW-Madison) will be joining UMD’s Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences and the Language Science Center starting in Fall 2016.
On November 19th, scores of language scientists joined members of the wider campus community to hear Jeff Lidz, Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, answer the timeless question: “Are Children Human?
On September 25th, the 6th annual Language Science Day (LSD) drew a crowd of almost 200 people - plus a couple of unexpected fire trucks.
Join us in congratulating our 2015 language science PhD graduates on their excellent job placements around the world.