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Help Us Collect Books for PGCPS Students

December 11, 2023 Maryland Language Science Center

Help Us Collect Books for PGCPS Students

This holiday season, please help us collect books to send home with PGPCS students participating in the MILEStones Reading Tutor Program.

This holiday season, please help us collect books to send home with PGPCS students participating in the MILEStones Reading Tutor Program. MILEstones is an after-school reading program to support emergent readers using Reading Ready, an evidence-based reading program at two elementary schools: Hollywood Elementary School and Kingsford Elementary School. You can  order directly  from our Amazon wish list  here .You may  self-select books you love  to share with students! We simply ask that books:are quality decodable texts (meaning they are simple books for beginning readers that give them an opportunity to practice their early phonics skills)are of high-interest to students of diverse racial and linguistic backgrounds between the ages of 5-8are paperbackWe also encourage you to  support local and independent bookstores  when possible. While many might not sell decodable books, you can buy through  and choose your favorite bookstore to receive the full profit from your purchases. For those in the area, here are some suggested bookshops to support. Loyalty Bookshop  (Silver Spring and DC) People's Book (Takoma Park) Politics and Prose Sankofa Books Dreamers & Make-Believers Red Emma's  Charm City Books Everyone's Place All items can be shipped directly to the below address, or dropped off at the Maryland Language Science Center (same address). MILE Book Drive, 2130 H.J. Patterson Hall, College Park, MD 20742. Thank you for your support!