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2015 Language Science Student Placements

September 08, 2015 Maryland Language Science Center

2015 Language Science Student Placements

Join us in congratulating our 2015 language science PhD graduates on their excellent job placements around the world.

Join us in congratulating our 2015 language science PhD graduates on their excellent job placements around the world. All 8 students were involved in the NSF-IGERT program, which has trained 50 PhD students from 10 departments since 2008. Of the 39 who have graduated to date, all are now in careers in language science, except for one who is now adding an MD to his PhD. We wish the graduates well in their future endeavors! Dustin Chacón  (LING):  Faculty Fellow,  Department of Linguistics , New York University Suzanne Freynik Evaluation Consultant, School of Language Studies,  Foreign Service Institute Kate Harrigan  (LING):  Postdoc in Psychology, with  Anna Papafragou , Language and Cognition Lab, University of Delaware Angela He  (LING):  Postdoc in Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences, with  Sudha Arunachalam , Boston University Chuchu Li Postdoc in Psychology with  Vic Ferreira Tamar Gollan , University of California, San Diego Naho Orita  (LING):  Postdoc in Computational Linguistics,  Communication Science Laboratory , Tohoku University, Japan Yuichi Suzuki Assistant Professor, Department of Cross-Cultural Studies, Kanagawa University, Japan Aaron White  (LING):  Science of Learning Institute , Johns Hopkins University In addition, 2013 PhD graduate Dave Kush recently accepted a position as Associate Professor at NTNU Trondheim, one of Norway's top universities and home of Norway's youngest professor  (another of our recent graduates) and 2014 Nobel prize winners . And 2011 PhD graduate Akira Omaki has been lured away from his current faculty position at Johns Hopkins to join the University of Washington (starting in 2016).