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2014 Language Science Student Placements

October 20, 2014 Maryland Language Science Center

Join us in congratulating our language science graduate students on their excellent job placements worldwide.

Join us in congratulating our language science graduate students on their excellent job placements in the US, Germany, UK, and Russia. Out of 10 students, 3 have accepted tenure-track positions and 7 are taking up postdoctoral fellowships. The Language Science (IGERT) program at UMD has a 6-year completion rate of 92%. Placements to date consist of 20 in academia, 1 in industry, 2 in government research, and 1 in medical school. Alexis Wellwood (LING, PhD 2014) – assistant professor (tenure track), Northwestern University Wing Yee Chow (LING, PhD 2013) – lecturer (tenure track), University College London Dan Parker (LING, PhD 2014) – assistant professor (tenure track), College of William & Mary Giovanna Morini (HESP, PhD 2014) – postdoc at U of Delaware Sol Maria Lago (LING, PhD 2014) – postdoc at U of Potsdam, Germany Yakov Kronrod (LING, PhD 2014) – postdoc at U of Pennsylvania Megan Sutton (LING, PhD 2014) postdoc at U of Pennsylvania Annie Gagliardi (LING, PhD 2012) – postdoc in Computer Science at U of Edinburgh Susan Teubner-Rhodes (PSYC, PhD 2014) – postdoc at Med. College of S Carolina Anna Chrabaszcz (SLLC, PhD 2014) – postdoc at Higher School of Economics, Moscow (best language group in Russia) Postdoc, Tom Grano (LING, 2012-2014) – assistant professor (tenure track), Indiana University