Minglang Zhou
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Professor, Chinese
Member, Maryland Language Science Center
2106D Jiménez Hall
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Minglang Zhou earned his Ph. D. in linguistics from Michigan State University in 1993. His teaching and research interest include the sociology of language, language and ethnicity, bilingual education, and Chinese as a second language. He authored “Multilingualism in China: The politics of writing reform for minority languages 1949–2002” (Mouton de Gruyter, 2003) and "Language Ideology and Order in Rising China" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), and edited or co-edited six volumes on language policy, bilingual education, and language contact in China. He also published two dozens of research articles and book chapters on these topics. He reviews manuscripts on these topics for more than ten international scholarly journals and serves on the editorial/advisory committees for several of these journals. He won a 2009 American Philosophical Society fellowship for his book project “Models of nation-state building and language education for ethnic minorities in China, 1949-2009.”