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Min Wang

Profile photo of Min Wang

Member, Maryland Language Science Center

Human Development and Quantitative Methodology (301) 405-8798

3304C Benjamine Building
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Ph.D., Department of Human Development and Applied Psychology, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada

Research Expertise


Dr. Min Wang received her Ph.D. in Applied Cognitive Science from the University of Toronto in 2000. Upon graduation she completed her post-doctoral training at the Learning Research and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh, funded by a fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. She became a member of the Faculty of Human Development at the University of Maryland in 2002. Dr. Wang’s research interests are in the area of language and reading development. Specifically, she is interested in how cross language and writing system differences impact learning to speak and read in a first and second language. Her recent work has mainly focused on Chinese-English, Korean-English, Spanish-English bilingual children and adults, funded by NIH/NICHD, NSF, and Spencer Foundation. Dr. Wang is also interested in extending her work to other bilingual populations involving various languages and writing systems in the world. Dr. Wang has been serving on the editorial boards of Applied Psycholinguistics, Writing Systems Research, Contemporary Educational Psychology, and International Multilingual Research Journal. She has served as the Director of Graduate Studies in her department and the Executive Committee of the NSF-IGERT program at the University of Maryland in Biological and Computational Foundations of Language Diversity. Collaborators: With Rochelle Newman: The use of segmentation cues in second language learners of English2012-2014 National Science Foundation: Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (BCS-1252109).With Yi Ting Huang: Coordination of linguistic and cognitive processes during reading developmentNational Institute of Health (NICHD R03) unfunded.