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Reconceptualizing Adolescent Literacy in the Age of Information Saturation, Multitasking, and "Fake News"


Title: Precursors of logical reasoning in preverbal infants

Title: Duolingo: Improving Language Learning and Assessment with Data

Title: Can we predict phonological awareness in children as young as 2 ½-years- old?

Abstract: Phonological awareness provides an important foundation for learning to read.

The Prosody of Rutooro Adnominals

Early neural and behavioral predictors of language in autism spectrum disorder

Title: Separate the Sheep from the Goats: On recognizing the Literal and Figurative Usages of Idioms

***Note new location!***


Title: Neural representations of speech in human auditory cortex: Systems-based approaches

Title: Tracking the Influence of Music Training on Cognitive Aging


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