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Neural Mechanisms underlying Segregation in the Ferret Cocktail Party


Non-actional passives can be comprehended by 4-year olds

(Rescheduled from April 16.)

Online: https://umd.zoom.us/j/95049491821
Meeting ID: 950 4949 1821

Engaging cognitive control helps children ignore unreliable sentence processing cues

Join Zoom Meeting here: https://umd.zoom.us/j/817699157
Meeting ID: 817 699 157

African American English and early literacy: A comparison of approaches to quantifying nonmainstream dialect use


Do children know WHanything? Acquisition of Mandarin wh-indefinites

Abstract: Unlike English wh-words like “what”, Mandarin wh-words have both an interrogative and an indefinite interpretation, as shown in (1). 

(1)   Xiaoxiao mei chi shenme.
       Xiaoxiao NEG eat what

a.     Interrogative: What didn’t Xiaoxiao eat?
b.     Indefinite: Xiaoxiao didn’t eat anything/much. 

This talk will be online only. You can join via Zoom at this link: https://umd.zoom.us/j/969408848

You can also join by phone (dispreferred): 
     +1 301 715 8592
     Meeting ID: 969 408 848
     Find your local number: https://umd.zoom.us/u/ajUnnq3BA

Research in language science can be limited by convenience

Lunch served at 12:15, talk starts at 12:30. This week boxed lunches will be available for the first 40 attendees, so come on time or bring your own lunch!

Remote attendance through Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/737125765
(Please remember to set this up in advance: you'll be prompted to install an app to join the meeting.)

Adam Fisbein (NACS)

Sequence in birdsong: What humans assume and what birds are telling us

Lunch served at 12:15, talk starts at 12:30.

Erika Exton: The 'bilingual baby problem': Identifying code switches in unfamiliar languages

Lunch served at 12:15, talk starts at 12:30.

Patrick Plummer, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Howard University

The Effects of Word Frequency and Contextual Diversity on Word Recognition During Reading

Lunch served at 12:15, talk starts at 12:30.

How many grammars of Accusative-and-Infinitive constructions can we prove there to be in English?


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