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University of Maryland students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty members recently participated in the


Tools in Intonational Phonology can highlight the nature of prosody in Japanese children with ASD: Dissociating linguistic and para-linguistic aspects of intonation


The Mirror Principle and Its Exceptions

Neil Myler, Associate Profesor of Linguistics at Boston Universitiy, studies morphology, (micro-)comparative syntax, the interaction between syntax and morphophonology, argument structure, the morphosyntax and semantics of possession, Quechua morphology and syntax, and English dialect syntax.

The Role of Grammar and Context in the Interpretation of Modals


LSLT: Upon Reflection. This semester, we've asked presenters to give reflective talks about their (or others') prominent work from the past. How did they understand the question then, and how do they see it now? See the full lineup here! Lunch will be served starting at 12:15. Vegetarian options available. Let us know if you have other dietary restrictions!



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