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Title: Using fMRI to Quantify Increased Differentiation of Neural Representations Due to Learning

LLRC Speakers Meneses and Montenegro

Title: Language, Literacy, and Science Learning: Contributions from Chilean Research

12:20pm - lunch served
12:45pm - talk
1:30pm - Q&A

Title: Dialect Mismatch and Literacy Acquisition

Abstract: TBD 

12:20pm - lunch served
12:45pm - talk
1:30pm - Q&A

Title: Bilingual Children’s Language and Literacy Development: Home and Classroom Factors

Abstract: TBD

Title: Can we predict phonological awareness in children as young as 2 ½-years- old?

Abstract: Phonological awareness provides an important foundation for learning to read.

A team of faculty in the Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education (CHSE) has been awarded a U.S. Department of Education Leadership Preparation grant.

Language Science Day 2014

LSD marked the 1-year anniversary of the Maryland Language Science Center, showcasing many ideas and initiatives launched over the past year.

Roughly two-thirds of American school students cannot read and write at grade-level.

Language Science Day

Visit our website to register for the 5th annual Language Science Day taking place Friday, September 19th, from 12 – 5pm, at the Stamp Student Union.


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