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Language Science Fellows

Photo gallery from the Winter Storm 2015 two-week language science workshop.

Chris Heffner with children at AAAS Family Science Days.


In the current political climate, UMD language scientists are more motivated than ever to reach out to non-scientists and advocate to decision makers on issues related to language science. We’re off to a running start with three events in January and February.

The first group of language scientists from UMD has arrived in Guatemala for a month of Mayan language study and research.  Throughout June, they will be taking intensive classes in Kaqchikel, staying with Kaqchikel-speaking host families, working on language research projects and observing the work of healthcare non-profit Wuqu’ Kawoq / Maya Health Alliance.

The Language Science Center hosted two conferences on transforming graduate education - both with collaborative, interactive formats that generated a lot of enthusiasm and ideas from the different groups involved.

Join us in congratulating our 2015 language science PhD graduates on their excellent job placements around the world.

All 8 students were involved in the NSF-IGERT program, which has trained 50 PhD students from 10 departments since 2008. Of the 39 who have graduated to date, all are now in careers in language science, except for one who is now adding an MD to his PhD.

We wish the graduates well in their future endeavors!

A team of faculty in the Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education (CHSE) has been awarded a U.S. Department of Education Leadership Preparation grant.

Alia Lancaster (SLA, CASL) participated in a 3-day workshop organized by AAAS focusing on science policy and communication.

The National Science Foundation has announced that the University of Maryland’s Language Science Center (LSC) will receive a $3M grant for innovative research and graduate training.


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