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Computational Linguistics

Title: Text Analytics in Finance: A Case Study and Some Considerations

Abstract: The finance industry increasingly seeks insight from unstructured data, including through text analytics. In this talk, I will give a brief survey of NLP as used in text analytics, then talk in detail about the NLP platform we are building at Bloomberg, including example applications. I will close with some ways in which NLP for financial text analytics is similar to and different from NLP as commonly done in research, and some ideas for productive NLP work.

Title- Interpretable Machine Learning: What it means, How we're getting there

Note new time--12:30pm!

Defining and Parsing Universal Dependencies 

resMBS: Information Extraction, Topic Modeling and Tensor Factors for Financial Contracts


The Ins and Outs of Preposition Semantics: Challenges of Coverage and Cross-linguistic Adequacy

Title: Your ears deceive you: How categories (mis)shape perception, impede L2 learning, and what we can do about it

A question-answering system designed by researchers from UMD and the University of Colorado holds its own against a top human team.

Probabilistic models of human cognition have been widely successful at capturing the ways that people represent and reason with uncertain knowledge. In this talk I will explore the ways that this probabilistic approach can be applied to systematic and productive reasoning – in particular, natural language pragmatics and semantics. I will first describe how probabilistic programming languages provide a formal tool encompassing probabilistic uncertainty and compositional structure. I'll illustrate with a examples from inductive reasoning and social cognition.

University of Maryland Photo

Language science is by nature multidisciplinary and our programs support students in actively crossing departmental and university boundaries. The language science initiative provides students with the flexibility to create individualized programs of study involving combinations of faculty mentors. The list of programs and specializations below is just a starting point, and our current students and faculty mentors are happy to answer questions about the programs and about particular areas of interest. 

Language Science Day 2014

LSD marked the 1-year anniversary of the Maryland Language Science Center, showcasing many ideas and initiatives launched over the past year.


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