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Re-Building a Foundation for Reimagined Futurities in Dual-Language Education


“Technically an EL”: Race, Language and the Construction of Deficiency


A recording of this LSLT is now available here.


What Translanguaging Can Tell Us About Bilingual Language Control: Evidence from Spontaneous Codeswitching

Bilingualism is the norm, not the exception: How using two or more languages shapes the mind and the brain and reflects society itself

Presentation via Skype

Two languages in mind: How a second language comes to change the native language, the mind, and the brain

Title: A Language-based Approach to Content Instruction (LACI): Scaffolding for literacy

Abstract: Scaffolding is a challenging task in elementary classrooms. Drawing on a research study, the presenter describes how a first grade teacher utilized a language-based approach to content instruction (LACI) to provide scaffolding to support emergent to advanced bilinguals’ literacy learning. LACI is a teacher education model developed over the past 12 years in elementary and secondary classrooms in the United States.

Title: Making connections across spaces: Understanding the opportunities and constraints for multilingual development among immigrant children

12:20pm - lunch served
12:45pm - talk
1:30pm - Q&A

Title: Bilingual Children’s Language and Literacy Development: Home and Classroom Factors

Abstract: TBD

Title: Duolingo: Improving Language Learning and Assessment with Data


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