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The Interaction Between Processing Speed, Cognitive Control, and Word Retrieval

1st Presentation, Andrea Azem: Dysphagia Treatment and the Culturally Competent Clinician

Abstract: Although the development and use of cultural competence has received increasingly greater emphasis in the field of speech pathology, this concept is often discussed in ways that do not apply to clinical practice for dysphagia. This presentation aims to explore how culture can impact elements during the assessment and treatment of dysphagia as well as to provide information and resources for clinicians.

Title: Variability and Invariance in Speech and Lexical Processing: Evidence from Aphasia and Functional Neuroimaging

Title: Examples of translational research from a community-based aphasia center


University of Maryland Photo

Language science is by nature multidisciplinary and our programs support students in actively crossing departmental and university boundaries. The language science initiative provides students with the flexibility to create individualized programs of study involving combinations of faculty mentors. The list of programs and specializations below is just a starting point, and our current students and faculty mentors are happy to answer questions about the programs and about particular areas of interest. 

Language Science Day 2014

LSD marked the 1-year anniversary of the Maryland Language Science Center, showcasing many ideas and initiatives launched over the past year.

Language is directly relevant to many areas of public health and medicine.

Learning a language as a child seems effortless; as an adult, it can be burdensome. Why?

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